We always appreciate donations from our friends. Below is an Amazon WishList and a list of supplies that we are currently in need of. With that philosophy, we strive to keep our costs at a minimum, ensuring the lowest possible price to participants. We consistently set aside resources for scholarship funds to assist families who have financial need.
We are a registered Non-Profit Corporation with the State of IL and have 501c3 Not For Profit Status with the IRS. If you wish to purchase anything from our Amazon list, please consider giving a gift receipt with your contact information so that we may send you a donation receipt or email us at info@horsepowertr.com. Unfortunately, Amazon does not notify us of who donated items and we love to thank our DONORS!!
Rope Halters & Parelli Lead Ropes
English & Western Saddles
Grab Straps
Fly Spray
Mane & Tail Products
Hoof Oil
Ivory Dish Soap
Grooming Buckets
Hoofpicks, Brushes, Curries
Rainbow Reins
Ladder Reins
Safety Stirrups: English Peacock Style & Western Tappadero
Snacks for Participants & Volunteers
Sports Drinks & Juice Boxes
Sugar-Free Horse Treats
English Stirrup Leathers
Velcro (strips and dots)
All sizes of riding apparel: boots, breeches, half-chaps
Cleaning supplies
Paper Towels
Septic Friendly Toilet Paper
Copy Paper
Permanent Markers
Postage Stamps
Horse Stickers and Books
Professional Services Needed at Discounted or Donated Rates: Farrier, Veterinary Care (worming, vaccines, teeth floats, sheath cleanings), Photographer, Equine Massage
Gift Cards/Gift Certificate: Farm & Fleet, BP/Mobile/Casey’s General Store (Gas reimbursement for vols. who travel great distance), Walgreens, Dollar Store, Home Depot, Lowes, Aldi, Meijer, Walmart, and Amazon! Cash Donations needed for our Scholarship Fund, allowing families with financial need to participate. Checks can be made out to “HorsePower” and we accept credit card donations as well. Visa, MasterCard and Discover can be used by using the "donate" button at the bottom of this page.